![]() Thursday, July 25 2013
Ok, let me get this straight: God gives mankind food to eat in , food that includes wheat and grains. God commands His people to celebrate the barely and wheat harvests. God commands that His people give grain offerings to worship Him. Jesus is the “Bread of Life.” A quick search of the word “bread” in the Bible turns up over 300 entries, revealing grain’s central role in ancient Middle East diets. Could bread and grains really be that bad for us? Did God make a mistake when He commanded that we eat unleavened bread (matzah made with grains) on Passover? I don’t think so. Recent blame on wheat emphasizes the changes that wheat has gone through over the years. However, the same could be said about our apples, yet who would dare claim those are bad for us? To be certain, wheat and gluten cause severe problems for many people. Could it be that our digestive systems’ weakness--caused by a myriad of toxic, unhealthy chemicals, foods and environments--have created this situation? Sue Becker is one of the few lone voices defending one of God’s most perfect foods. She has been helping people get healthy for over 20 years now—by grinding their own flour and baking their own bread—and has seen miracles from people adding grains to their diets, not subtracting them. I’ve asked her to help me with this one. Make time to listen to this ground-breaking interview…and let me know what you think! Comments: