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Hope Egan's Books
Holy Cow! What the Bible Says about Eating Meat

Join best-selling author Hope Egan on her personal journey through what the Bible says about eating meat. With the help of author and Bible teacher D. Thomas Lancaster, Hope helps you see how science and Scripture brilliantly intertwine. Promoting neither legalism nor vegetarianism, Holy Cow! gently challenges followers of Jesus to take a fresh look at how they live out their faith.

What the Bible Says about Healthy Living Cookbook

Join biblical health author Hope Egan and lifelong healthy eater Amy Cataldo in their long-awaited follow-up to Dr. Rex Russell's What the Bible Says about Healthy Living. Helping you incorporate God's ingredients into your life--simply and without sacrificing taste--this companion cookbook shows you how to prepare meals, snacks and desserts based on the principles outlined in What the Bible Says about Healthy Living. For years biblical health experts have been telling you how to think about biblical eating. Now there is a cookbook that helps you take action.

New to Biblical Eating? Start Here
What the Bible Says About Healthy Living

The original, groundbreaking book on biblical eating.  Based on three simple principles.  Eat the foods that God created, eat those foods as close as possible to the form God gave them; don't let any food or drink become an idol.

FREE Guide
Eating Right In A World Gone Wrong

Treasures of Healthy Living Bible Study

Inspired by Dr. Russell, this much-needed book provides a great starting point for group or personal Bible study about biblical eating, provides biblical, practical, and spiritual instruction to help you learn about and implement God's design for healthy living.

Other Great Biblical Eating Books
Healthy Treasures Cookbook

Healthy Treasures Cookbook helps you learn about the best foods to consume, how to substitute God's foods for unhealthy foods in a way that family and friends will approach the table ready to enjoy the Healthy Treasures coming from your kitchen!

The Daniel Fast

The prophet Daniel has inspired a wide variety of books, teachings and other resources. (See Daniel chapter 1 in the Bible.) Annette Reeder’s version includes her perspective on the guidelines, plus menus, shopping lists, recipes and a daily devotional.

The Seven Foods of the Promised Land

There are 7 foods listed in Deuteronomy 8:7-10 that God indicates will be a blessing to His people. Annette unpacks each one from an in-depth biblical, scientific and spiritual perspective. It includes recipes that focuses on each one.

The Maker's Diet

This New York Times best-selling book expands on Dr. Russell's books and provides specific ideas for living it out.

Satisfied: Baking with Whole Grain Goodness

Satisfied explains the powerful nutrition found in whole grains, takes the mystery out picking the right ones, and explains how to them to feed your family healthful, nutritious breads of all kinds.

Proverbs 31 Prepper: 4 Essential Steps to Feed the Family Well During Adversity

This book gives you the steps needed to get a plan in place to feed your family well—spiritually, emotionally and physically—during times of stress and uncertainty.

What Would Jesus Eat

With some overlap of Dr. Russell's book, Dr. Colbert explains the health benefits of foods Jesus ate and the health risks of foods He avoided.

Miracle Food Cures from the Bible

This books helps readers apply the healing power of many of the foods and herbs described in the Old and New Testaments to common ailments.

Food at the Time of the Bible

This in-depth, easy-to-read survey of every aspect of food in the Bible is accompanied by interesting illustrations and photos. Learn not only what people ate in Bible days, but also how they raised, stored, traded and prepared it.

Biblically Kosher

While Holy Cow! seeks to answer the question, "How do I discern what meats God has designed to be eaten?" Biblically Kosher seeks to answer the question, "What is the biblical basis for the traditional Jewish kosher laws, and how might those laws apply to believers in Jesus today?"

Vegetarianism: For & Against
They Shall Not Hurt or Destroy (For)

Although neither Christian nor Jewish, Murti has written extensively to biblically support vegetarianism in both Western religions. 

Judaism & Vegetarianism (For)

The writings of scholar Richard Schwartz, Ph.D are central for Jewish vegetarians' support for their lifestyle.

Why Christians Get Sick (For)

The founder of Hallelujah Acres (a raw, vegan ministry) shares biblical and scientific research to find out why he, a Christian, got sick---and provides alternative treatments to the medical profession's unsuccessful ones

Made for Paradise (For)

Made for Paradise reveals to us that, in the beginning, God created a paradise with everything we would need for perfect, healthy living: healthy eating, physical exercise, and rest.

What Would Jesus Really Eat? (Against)

This pro-meat eating book does an excellent job addressing the claims of Jewish/Christian vegetarian/vegan adherants. 

Spiritual & Emotional Healing Books (Food related)
Full: Food, Jesus, and the Battle for Satisfaction

Have you ever felt stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of overeating, yo-yo dieting, and obsessive thoughts about food?  Asheritah Ciuciu shares honestly about her own battles with food and reveals the path to freedom.

The 4-Day Sugar Fast: Where Physical Detox Meets Spiritual Transformation

What would you be willing to give up to experience the presence of God in your life again? Many of us sign up for physical detox programs, thinking that if our bodies are healthier, we are healthier.  But a healthy body does not do us a lot of good if we are spiritually malnourished. 

The Lord's Table: A Biblical Approach to Weight Loss

Great self-study tool for a biblical approach to weight loss, great for people who struggle with food addiction and other eating issues. From their website: "You will find freedom from the sin of gluttony, by learning to follow biblical and practical ways, as you daily proceed through this course."

Other Helpful Books
None of These Diseases

Extraordinary medical benefits are available to those who follow the Bible's teachings. The authors deal with stress, sex, anger, circumcision, tobacco, and more.

The Genesis Diet

From Genesis to Revelation, healthy foods and healing herbs have been used to benefit man.  The Genesis Diet is the Biblical foundation for optimum nutrition. 

Messianic Kosher Helper

The Messianic Kosher Helper includes a wide breadth of material, addressing a wide array of topics associated with the Torah’s dietary laws. This publication has been divided up into two main parts: The Significance of Kosher and A Theology of Eating and Kosher. 

Beauty Secrets of the Bible

Ginger Garrett reveals how every woman can accent her God-given beauty using the hidden treasures of the ancient Scriptures-where every scent and every act of beautification had spiritual and emotional significance. 

Taking Charge of Your Fertility

In celebration of its 20th anniversary, a thoroughly revised and expanded edition of the leading book on fertility and women's reporductive health. 

The Raw Truth About Milk: Formerly The Milk Book

The raw truth about homogenized, pasteurized milk is that it is a perverted form of what would otherwise be a wonderful natural food. Find out why it's linked to heart disease and what you can do to find "raw", unprocessed milk that can stimulate your immune system.

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty

Asthma, allergies, arthritis, hypertension, depression, headaches, diabetes, obesity, and MS. These are just some of the conditions and diseases that are caused by persistent dehydration. But there is a miracle solution that is readily available, all-natural, and free: water

Water & Salt the Essence of Life

Profound content but easy to read, this book represents the definitive statement on the subjects of water and salt. The book transports readers into the fantastic world of the two essential elements of water and salt and initiates them into the secret powers of nature.

Other Helpful Resources
Kids Cook Real Food

Kids Cook Real Food is an online video eCourse helping kids of all ages be confident in the kitchen!

Faith & Fitness Magazine

Great on-line magazine to help you build spiritual and physical strength.

The Biblical Nutritionist

Annette Reeder is a tour guide to biblical health.  Using the Bible as her map, she is leading people all around the country on a treasure hunt with the power of food to change lives.  Visit her website for her Bible study, DVD and books, and to book speaking engagements, or visit her YouTube channel.

Faith & Health Connection

Dale Fletcher teaches others how to apply Biblical principles and results of medical research to achieve improved health and wholeness through an integrated spirit, mind & body approach. 

The Bread Beckers

Fabulous educational site and on-line store for discovering the God-given health benefits of freshly milled flour and baked goods. Great articles, how-to videos and co-op information for money saving ordering. View my Interview with Sue Becker on YouTube.

Jesus In The Biblical Holidays

Are you fascinated by the profound connection between biblical festivals and the teachings of Jesus Christ? "Jesus in the Biblical Holidays" by Robin Sampson offers a unique exploration into how these ancient celebrations are not just historical footnotes but vibrant, meaningful aspects of our faith.

Gabrielle Falks helps you transform your health from the inside out with holistic nutritional therapy, guided by science and enriched by Biblical wisdom

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What Did Jesus Say About Eating Meat? Hope's Interview with Annette Reeder

What Does God Say About Veganism? Hope's Interview with Annette Reeder