"Holy Cow! will help you see the menu plan for dinner with clearer focus and greater blessing. This well-written book brings peace of mind as you recognize God's love for us even in our food choices." Annette Reeder, | "In this straightforward guide, Egan skillfully explains the Bible's views on eating meat with clear and simple language. She reassures us that our dietary habits do not impact our salvation but encourages us to respect and follow the teachings of the Bible. I enthusiastically recommend this vital book to those seeking insight into this aspect of biblical teaching." Robin Sampson | "I have found Holy Cow! to be a breath of fresh air. I greatly appreciate Hope Egan's inquisitive style of writing, which is sensitive to the needs of a wide variety of people, particularly Christians investigating their Hebraic roots." J.K. MCKee |
"This book should come with a warning. If you read this book, you may be leaving pork ribs and lobster off your personal menu. It is thought-provoking and biblically convincing." Jackson Crum | "I liked this book. Christians concerned about obeying God's will in all of life's venues will find this book helpful in dealing with a controversial topic in a thoughtful, helpful, pleasant fashion." Richard Ruble | "...Displaying a keen intellect, respect for traditional interpretations, and a zeal for understanding and living by every word of God. Hope makes an excellent case for rethinking traditional Christian views on this subject. May it lead us all to a closer relationship with our Lord and Savior." David Treybig |
"The food choices we have today are endless. Hope identifies common feelings we all have when she talks about the brain fog and vexing questions she had about food. Want some new perspective on God's design for eating? Get this book, read it, and then prayerfully pursue what God's Spirit has for you." Brad Bloom | "Scripturally, a believer can be a vegetarian or a meat eater and be obedient to God's word...Holy Cow! Points those who are beginning to ask, 'What does God tell me to eat?' to the Holy Scriptures for the answers." Dr. Gordon S. Tessler | "...This book will help you understand one of the most misunderstood subjects in the Bible. Every believer should read it--with an open mind." Dr. Richard Booker |
"Holy Cow! is winsome and full of grace! Hope Egan provides a great balance of logic and humor on this very important issue." Sue Gregg |